Qualitative Research

Qualitative Research

Qualitative research involves the collection and analysis of non-numerical data (text, video or audio) to understand concepts, opinions or experiences. It can be used to gain in-depth insights into a problem or generate new research ideas. To ensure effective and quality recruitment, we use observation, approach and research techniques. Whichever methodology you choose, we have the right solution to support you.



Ethnographic research is a qualitative type of research that aims to delve into a particular community or organization to observe its behavior and interactions, helping the brand to understand and approach its target audience.

We at About Brazil have highly qualified professionals to carry out this type of methodology and observe and/or interact with study participants in their real life environment.


In-depth interviews

In-depth interviews are detailed qualitative research that aim to deepen perspectives on the topic addressed. Like all qualitative research, it aims to help companies better understand their product and how it would be in the market through a preview of consumer opinion.

Thanks to our influence in the research market, we are always on the lookout for the most suitable recruits to meet the profile of each study.


Focus group discussion

From a group of pre-selected participants, it is possible to collect information that can provide an understanding of perceptions, beliefs, attitudes about a topic, product or service. In this qualitative methodology, the moderator assists in the dialogue and feedback so that users navigate, interact, participate, converse and learn in real time.

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Dyads, triads

Dyads and triads allow for more intimate settings than focus groups. A dyad is a type of market research involving two participants and a triad is made up of 3 participants. Participants join the session along with a moderator.

They generally work best for comparing conflicting views and getting feedback on a topic from both sides of the coin.

Entrevista familiar

Family interviews

In this methodology, the key point is to capture the essence of each component in their various perspectives which describe and interpret their experiences in the shared family context. Furthermore, the family interview can benefit from a synergistic effect and reveal essential phenomena that would not have been uncovered in individual interviews.

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This methodology allows evaluating the customer experience through observational research where trained consumers can investigate and compute people’s behavior, whether employees or real consumers. In addition, several events are observed during the face-to-face or virtual tour, including purchases or non-refundable products or services, gathering details about product exposure or service quality, standardizing protocols, and preserving physical aspects of interest.


An interactive session where a moderator or intermediary combines elements of qualitative research, brainstorming in search of problem solving.

Typically these meetings take a full day or more, in which clients, researchers, and/or other participants work intensively on a problem or question.

This methodology can involve a larger number of people than group discussions.


Co-creation sessions

Co-creation is a process of developing a new product or service in teamwork. The objective of collaborative co-creation is to promote the culture of sharing ideas

All participants, consumers, sellers, designers, suppliers, marketers, in a fun atmosphere of the job, showing more enthusiasm, share suggestions, test prototypes and provide constructive criticism, producing robust and dynamic discussions, as well as deeper insights than others traditional research methods.

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Vox Populi

The Vox Populi, is a Latin phrase that literally means “voice of the people” are insight interviews with the general public.

Vox Populi is usually carried out in public places, it can capture useful information about consumer opinions and provide honest feedback.