Today we’re going to dive into an urgent topic: the influence of global warming on the most recent heatwave that hit Brazil, as covered in an article in Brazil’s largest newspaper, Folha de S.Paulo. A broad topic that has long been discussed worldwide, this brief section aims to understand what has happened in the country in recent days.
Between November 13 and 19, a recent heatwave impacted several regions of Brazil, culminating in an increase in heat of between 1 and 4 degrees Celsius, and greenhouse gas emissions indicate that the issue is worsening, mainly affecting the country’s most populous cities such as São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Corumbá, in Mato Grosso.
Google searches for climate-related terms such as “global warming” and “climate anxiety” have increased in recent years, signaling growing concern about climate change.
The El Niño phenomenon, heatwaves and extreme phenomena drive online searches According to an article by BBC Brasil, searches for “climate anxiety” in Portuguese increased around 73 times in 2023 compared to 2017.
These heatwaves occurred with less wind and arrived drier and drier, adding up to a notable increase in atmospheric pressure, symptoms that prevented the approach of rain and humidity, which could have mitigated the effects. With record temperatures and significant impacts in various regions, it is crucial to understand the possible causes behind this extreme event. Experts interviewed on the subject indicate that global warming is strongly contributing to aggravating the intensity and duration of the heatwave.
The heatwave not only affects climatic conditions, but also has significant repercussions on the health of the population and the environment. Rising temperatures can lead to health problems such as heatstroke and dehydration, as well as posing a threat to local ecosystems, flora and fauna.
Public awareness of climate change and the need for collective action is urgent. At the moment, however, it is just as important at the global level. By understanding the connections between extreme weather events and global warming, we can contribute to initiatives that seek to tackle climate challenges.
This blog is intended as an invitation to reflection and action. We will be keeping a close eye on future developments and proposed solutions to tackle climate change. Regardless of where you are reading this content, join us on this journey towards a more sustainable and resilient future, with sustainable attitudes for the common good.